Camisoles oh Camisoles!

Camisoles oh Camisoles...
Most women and girls would like to think that they are 'classy'. 'Classy' does not mean that one belongs to a certain class in the society they live in.
'Classiness' does not recognise the social status or educational background. What it reflects is a person who has tasteful aesthetic taste with sound knowledge in the Art of Dressing.It is not about the brand or price of the clothe, it is about knowing the Art of Dressing. Yes, it is an ART ladies/girls!

Anyone who wears camisoles as their upper clothing is not considered 'classy' at all. Regardless what brand or how expensive is the camisole. Camisole is an undergarment dear ladies/girls! So, do not get confused between undergarment and upper garment. Upper garment is the shirt and blouse...

<Camisoles are undergarments...>


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