Hello again everyone! It has been a long time since I last wrote.
Today I would like to touch on  Etiquette at the gym. As a frequent gym goer and a believer in total Health and Fitness, I find that gym is the place where most people like me go to to keep fit and de-stress themselves.

Have you ever watched the behaviour of the people at a gym? It is amusing ,exciting and also sometimes I find it disgusting with some of their negative habits...

According to researchers, gym is one of the most unhygienic places to go to or to be at.

I understand why.There are many characters who frequent the gyms. Some are neat,clean,tidy and having hygienic habits. But unfortunately some do not care about anything at all. They go to the gym with stale sweat from day before. Their sports shirt or pants /shorts are not laundered or dried properly,that make them smell like a piece of damp rag when they are at the gym. Some do not realise that their "Body Odour" stinks worse than a skunk's pheromone :-) . Though some people I know think that it is a sexy smell. If it sexy , :Why don't you marry or have an intimate relationship with a buffalo or a skunk ? " I asked.

When someone with damp clothes or strong BO (Body Odour) passed by, I held my breath till the person is far away. It is funny , but it is true.


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